Dear Subscriber,
Its been a busy start to the new season with many of our singers taking part in a concert on 28th September to celebrate the life of our founder, Michael Kibblewhite, who sadly died last year. Six of the choirs he founded each sang some of his favourite repertoire and also came together for a rousing rendition of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus. Ely Cathedral was rocking as the audience was full of ex-choir members meeting each other for perhaps the first time in years.
Now, we are fully focussed on rehearsing three works for our autumn concert in St John's Church, Epping on Saturday 9th November, directed as ever by Edward-Rhys Harry. Vivaldi's joyous 'Gloria', composed in 1715, needs no introduction and is one of sacred music's most uplifting choral works. Vivaldi's fame contrasts with the neglect of Marianna Martines (1744-1812), one of 18th century Vienna's most prominent composers. Famous and lauded in her lifetime by musicians such as Mozart and Haydn, the acclaim died with her, but happily her music has been rediscovered in recent years. We will be singing Martines' 1774 setting of Psalm 109, 'Dixit Dominus', which she acknowledged was influenced by Handel's earlier setting. Full of rapid runs, melodic leaps, trills and melodic ornaments, reviews of this gorgeous piece are sprinkled with words like charming and delightful. William Mathias (1934-1992) was a Welsh composer who wrote much of his music for the Anglican choral tradition as well as several symphonies and piano concertos. He is quoted as saying "I wrote my most complicated music when I was about seventeen! Since then I've been cutting things out in order to try and get to the centre of what has to be said". His powerful 'Missa Brevis' from 1973 is a tour de force for the organ as much as a full-on choral piece. Our Accompanist, Aeron Preston, will enjoy putting St John's great instrument through its paces!
This is going to be an amazing concert (those of you who attended an extremely cold 'Messiah' in St John's last December will be relieved to hear that a new heating system is now up and running). Concert tickets @£15, under 18s £5, are available online at and from our box office on 01277 362440 or email
With best wishes
Val Brockbank on behalf of Harlow Chorus